Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wheel of the Year/Twelve Months Spread

Now, it's a tiny bit late in the year already to be doing this, but luckily, we did this spread in the Tarot Practicum group I lead just after the new year, so I have my draws ready to share.

The Wheel of the Year , or Twelve Months Spread, is a twelve card draw that you do at the beginning of the year, as a sort of forecast for your year. Obviously, things change and the cards may not hold true throughout the year, but its a fun exercise to try. I wrote the cards I pulled in my planner, so I can refer back to them every month and compare their keywords to my reality.

There's no right or wrong way to do it - arrange the cards however you like. We did a grid of two rows of six cards, and read them left to right, January through June on top, July through December on the bottom.

I drew:

January: 4 of Wands, Reversed
February: 8 of Wands
March: 6 of Pentacles
April: Judgement
May: Queen of Pentacles, Reversed
June: 3 of Swords, Reversed
July: The Sun
August: The High Priestess, Reversed
September: 2 of Wands
October: Page of Wands
November: Ace of Wands, Reversed
December: Strength

So let's break that down:

January's draw indicated prosperity and harmony of the lesser things in life.

February's draw is all about motion: the journey, ideas, actions, swiftness, progress, communication, transformation, and problem-solving.

March's draw talks about philanthropy and charity, but also about attainment, accomplishment, productivity and tangibility. (It should be noted that this card's reference to charity is about giving in a wise way - being mindful of what you have so that when you give you aren't giving more than you can afford to give.)

April's draw is judgement, perception, insight, assessment, discernment - the analytical mind at work - and also reunion, awakening, and consciousness.

May's draw is about neglect, dependence, lack, and misuse.

June's draw is about compromise, confusion, delay and disorder.

July's draw is about cooperation, success, liberation, collaboration, teamwork, partnership, and unlimited energy.

August's draw is about false knowledge, shallowness, and conceit.

September's draw is about dominance, rulership, enterprise, power, and unification.

October's draw is about brilliance, learning, courage, beauty, self liberation, the release of fear, spontaneous expression, freedom, new directions, adventure, spring, and having nothing to fear.

November's draw indicates a false start, setbacks.

And, finally, December's draw is about strength, passion, creativity, risk-taking, charisma, radiance, regeneration, expression, gifts, taming, overcoming fears, lustiness, strong faith, trust in one's own abilities, confidence, unconditionality, intuition, domination, and harmony.

Now, although I have said it before, there is no reason to take any of the negative cards to heart. Our future is not set in stone, and the cards are merely warnings of what is most likely to come, given the current path you are on, at the time of the drawing. I choose to see the negative cards, May, June, August, and November, as opportunities to change things. I will enter those months with a positive outlook despite what they warn of, and will do what I can to not allow those negative things into my life. Now, this isn't to say that we don't need to have negatives in our lives - bad things are bound to happen, and they are how we learn from one moment to the next. If nothing ever happened in our lives that was bad, we'd never grow into better people. But if a negative thing is avoidable, then I should try to avoid it. I wouldn't stand in the way of an oncoming car if I could simply step out of its path.

Now, lets break this down a bit further. Keywords are wonderful, but its very easy to be overwhelmed by a bunch of vocabulary when it is out of context.

To be honest, January is a blur to me. The month passed far too quickly to remember whether it was prosperous and harmonious - but it wasn't bad, either, or I'd remember that. We do remember the bad times far more easily than the good.

February was absolutely spot on, for me. I had some really good ideas and have set some plans in motion that I hope to play out over the coming months. My creativity levels were high, and I feel that I was quite productive as an artist. I even earned money in February that I wasn't expecting.

March is underway, and the draw had a twofold prediction: philanthropy in the form of wise giving, and accomplishment and productivity.  So far, the first half of the month has been an accomplishment, as I have sold more in passive sales of my art than ever before, and I was able to go buy myself something I needed without dipping into household funds for once, which was very nice. Earlier today, I signed myself up for a giveaway round robin, which is wise giving, in that I can afford to not sell the item I'm giving away, and that because it is a round robin style giveaway, it will also garner me some advertising as the people signing up for the giveaway will visit my page as they work through the round robin. Wise. There's still half of March yet to go, so perhaps I will find myself able to say I've accomplished more - oh, I can! I started this blog, and I'm keeping it up! I have always had a hard time maintaining blogs like this, but this time I'm writing articles ahead of time, scheduling them for posting, and even making time to work on it a bit every day. So far, so good.

April ( my birthmonth! ) has keywords that have double meaning for me:  judgement, perception, insight, assessment, discernment - the analytical mind at work, which makes me think of two aspects of this group of terms. First, the need for personal growth through the judgement of self. I think its important to continue to analyze my actions and thought processes in order to enact self change and grow into a better, more emotionally mature person. Second, they refer (to me) to psychology, which is my personal field of study when I am at school. I'm not currently in school, but intend to get back to it. Perhaps in April I will find myself setting that in motion again for the Fall semester. With luck, as I'm turning 40 this year, I'll also have a really great birthday party to remember.

May's draw warns me of neglect, dependence, lack, and misuse. But the question here is: Whose neglect? Will I be neglected, or will I be the one neglecting others? Or will it be a duty I neglect doing? Will I experience dependence on something or someone and feel the loss of it, or will someone become dependent on me and then find themselves without me?  Will I be misused, or will I be the abuser? Until May comes, there's no telling, but I can be aware, notice the signs, and perhaps change my path enough to lessen any blows that come my way or that I might deal out.

June continues the negativity with compromise, confusion, delay and disorder. This honestly made me chuckle because June is the month before a big convention I usually attend, and my best friend and collaborator and I have plans to try to accomplish a massive cosplay project. As with most projects begun with high ambitions, I expect that June will find us scrambling to complete the five costumes we've planned, which require a fair amount of mechanical knowhow and skill to pull off.

July still has me thinking about the cosplay project, because it will require a massive amount of teamwork and cooperation to pull off. It's also usually a very busy month for me, as vending, festival, and convention season are in full swing by July, and this year I am also coordinating (with others) two festivals while trying to maintain my own vending schedule, one in August, one in September. I'll be very busy and it pleases me to think that I will have the teamwork and cooperation, partnership, energy, and success needed.

August warns of false knowledge, shallowness, and conceit. Again, these things can come in many forms, so will I be the one perpetrating these things on someone else, or will someone be lying to me? Only time will tell, but I can set out to make sure that I am an honest person in August (as I should every day) and that I keep my eye open for others being deceptive around me.

September is a month of dominion - the keyword speak to my being in control of something, or taking control of something. I do have a festival I'm a part of the planning committee for and that I will be a vendor at that month, so perhaps something is going to happen that will leave me in a position of control or having to take the reins. It also speak about enterprise and unification, which could also refer to the festival s well. Or it could all be about something completely different. We shall see!

October (one of my favorite months, despite the terrible cold) indicates lot of good, positive things are coming my way. It talks about releasing fear, brilliance and beauty, courage and learning, self expression and freedom (specifically self liberation, suggesting that I have something I will free myself from, most likely the fears I will release.) Maybe I will end up taking some big step toward something I have considered big and scary. Again, as we get closer in time, things will become more obvious.

November bring the negativity back with false starts and setbacks. November is the month I held a huge and successful dance show back in 2012, and I have performers from that show still hoping and waiting for me to put it on again. Maybe I'll try and end up failing. Maybe, with this reading in mind, I'll prepare better and not fail. Maybe its something else entirely.

December will be a month of strength for me. It's a nice idea, to close out the year, one that is mostly positive, but with its fair share of negativity, with such a good thing. The laundry list of keywords for the month basically just indicate a month of awesome. I look forward to it. It gives me hope that that some of the things I'm planning and starting now are going to end well, or be well underway and going well when the year ends.

Having gone through all of this with me, do you want to try your own Wheel of the Year/Twelve Months Spread? I'd love to hear about it if you do!

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Next Blog: The Follow Your Heart Spread

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