Friday, March 10, 2017

The Menage A' Trois Spread - Romance Readings in a Poly World

So, I'll just preface this with saying that I am not in a poly, or polyamorous, relationship. Now, having said that, I know tons of people who are. The topic comes up from time in my relationship, but for now we aren't ready to do something like that. I thought it would be a fun idea to create a spread to look at potential dates with, and after some fiddling with it, here's the spread. This isn't just aimed at a couple adding a third for them both to date, but also when just one person wants to start seeing someone new. I hope you all enjoy it!

I know the picture is silly - but its the best one I could find that wasn't overtly sexual.

The spread goes like this:

Position 1: You, the client, or the person in the triangle who wants to add a new person to their life.
Position 2: The person in position 1's current partner.
Position 3: The potential lover.
Position 4: Extra info about the potential person - things you should know.
Position 5: The relationship between 1 and 2.
Position 6: The relationship between 1 and 3.
Position 7:  The relationship between 2 nd 3.
Position 8: The outcome of introducing this person to the relationship.

I really hope that some of you, my dear readers, will try this and comment below to let me know if it worked for you, if you have any suggestions for tweaking the layout, or even (and especially) if you need help working through the cards you pulled for yourself.

I may pull some cards for this spread for fun and do a work through, just to show you all how to relate the cards to one another, and tell that story.

Next blog: My Favorite Layout - The 'Perfect Spread'

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