Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Bat Tarot Spread - Break Your Illusions

So today we have a fun spread featuring one of my most favorite critters. I have this...thing for rodents. Hares, rabbits, bats and buns are my most beloved creatures, and now we have this awesome spread that my friend and tarot student, The Nerdy Witch posted on her blog. Of course I'm absolutely unable to resist trying it out for myself. So here we go!

A spread to break you of illusion, and to show you the truth of the matter.
1: Who Am I Right Now?
2: What Do I Want to Be?
3: Where Am I Excelling?
4: Where Do I Need Work?
5: In What Ways Am I Fooling Myself?
6: In What Ways Are Others Fooling Me?
7:What Is Barring Me From Success?

I drew:
1: 10 of Wands, Reversed
2: Page of Wands, Reversed
3: Page of Cups
4: The Hanged Man
5: The Empress, Reversed
6: 5 of Wands, Reversed
7: 4 of Cups, Reversed

Who am I right now? Duplicity, separation, loss.
What do I want to be? Indecision, unpleasantness
Where am I excelling? Rebirth, emotional objectivity, and detachment, controlling, messages from dreams
Where do I need work? Perspective, surrender, breaking old patterns, resolution, freedom from self imposed limitations, unlimited life-force, different postures and perspectives, awakening, deep spiritual wisdom, creativity, intelligence, prophecy
In what ways am I fooling myself? Sterility, poverty, inaction, disruption, destruction
In what ways are others fooling me? Contradiction, complication, competition, restriction, restraint
What is barring me from success? Novelty, contemplation, wonder

I had a hard time with the above draw, so I drew again:

1: Temperance, Reversed
2: 10 of Wands, Reversed
3: 2 of Cups
4: The Empress
5: 8 of Pentacles, Reversed
6: Wheel of Fortune, Reversed
7: 5 of Wands

Who am I right now? competition, mutation
What do I want to be? duplicity, separation, loss
Where am I excelling? reflection, carnality, passion, love
Where do I need work? fertility, wisdom, earth-mother, prophecy, love of nature, spiritual essence, healing, nurturing, emotion, creation, cycles, balance, fruitfulness, contentment
In what ways am I fooling myself? ineptitude, inability, lethargy, chaos
In what ways are others fooling me? misfortune
What is barring me from success? strife, competition, obstacles, anxiety, frustration, freneticism, hyperactivity

The two draws seem quite different, but there is a theme still running though them. I pulled these cards when I honestly had maybe too much on my mind. I won't go in to the more worked up walkthrough that I might normally, because these are quite personal to me.

I have to say , I like this layout, but I don't think I'd use it often it doesn't allow for much in the way of storytelling or dot-connecting, but depends heavily on the meaning of each card standing on its own, rather than the card meanings in relation to one another in the context of the spread.

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