Friday, March 17, 2017

The See It All Spread

Sometimes, I can't sleep, no matter how hard I try. Last night was one of those nights. (Well, by the time this post goes live, it will have been several nights ago...) I finally grabbed my phone and opened a drawing app  (Autodesk SketchBook) and ended up designing three new layouts. Ill give them each a post, and we will see how they work out. They could be useless, they may need tweaking, but please understand it was 4am and my brain and body were desperate for sleep. My muse, however? Not so much.

This is the second:

It was 4 am. Don't judge.

1 - 3: The Seen ( this is stuff you know about )
4 - 6: The Unseen ( this is stuff you don't know about )
7 - 8: The Choice ( this is what you have left after seeing it all )

I deliberately chose not to put an outcome card in this layout. I think just seeing what is there, the stuff that was in the open and the stuff hidden from your view, and then seeing what you need to choose between now that you've seen it all is enough. This isn't about prediction, its about laying it all out on the table and seeing what you have to deal with.

So lets try laying some cards out and see what we get.

1 - 3: The Hermit, Reversed, The 3 of Pentacles, and The Page of Pentacles.
4 - 6: The 8 of Wands, The Ace of Cups, and the 6 of Wands.
7 - 8: 9 of Swords, Reversed, and 5 of Wands, Reversed.

So, the Seen begins with the Hermit card in reverse, and this indicates immaturity and foolishness. The 3 of Pentacles indicates effort, persistence, tenacity, priorities, commitments, focus, intention, and direction. The Page of Wands then indicates brilliance, learning, courage, beauty, self liberation, release of fear, spontaneous expression, freedom, new direction, and adventure.

To me, these three cards may be about the querent's point of view. What they can see because it is their perspective.

The Unseen begins with the 8 of Wands, indicating motion, journey, ideas, actions, swiftness, progress, communication, transformation, and problem solving. Then the Ace of Cups indicates a breakthrough, the open heart, the trusting heart, and expression. The Unseen ends with the 6 of Wands, which indicates victory, success, advancement, revitalization, energy, and expansion.

These Unseen cards could mean a lot of different things - I think it will have a lot to do with context for the querent - but it could be the perspective from another involved party's point of view, or the querent's subconscious mind's perspective, what they may be hiding from themselves.

Finally, for The Choice, we have the 9 of Swords, reversed, meaning suspicion, doubt, shame, imprisonment, desolation, misery and death, and the 5 of Wands, reversed, indicating the other option in The Choice is contradiction, complication, competition, restriction, restraint.

Honestly, for this querent, the Choice seems to be that making either choice is leading somewhere negative. But, as I always say, negative can simply mean a warning of the possible.

This layout may need some tweaks to be a properly functioning layout. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Next Blog: The Feather and Stone Spread - Weighing Your Options

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