Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Follow Your Heart Spread

Sometimes, I can't sleep, no matter how hard I try. Last night was one of those nights. (Well, by the time this post goes live, it will have been several nights ago...) I finally grabbed my phone and opened a drawing app  (Autodesk SketchBook) and ended up designing three new layouts. Ill give them each a post, and we will see how they work out. They could be useless, they may need tweaking, but please understand it was 4am and my brain and body were desperate for sleep. My muse, however? Not so much.

Here's the first:

The Follow Your Heart Spread
It was 4 am. Don't judge.

A five card spread arranged in a sort of a heart shape, this is how is breaks down:

1: You, or the Querent, right now, in this moment. Your/Their state of mind
2: Choice A
3: Possible outcome of making choice A
4:Choice B
5: Possible outcome of making choice B

So for the test draw, I drew:

1: The Hierophant - morality, challenge, commitment, intention, society, orthodoxy
2: 2 of Cups - reflection, carnality, passion, love
3: 3 of Cups, Reversed - pleasure, liberality
4: The Lovers, Reversed - repulsion
5: 8 of Swords, Reversed - triviality, censure, freedom, relaxation

So, the breakdown:

1: The querent is represented by the Hierophant, who I personally have always considered a card that represents the religious and 'moral' right; those who believe they are right because their faith says they are, or their interpretation of their faith does. The Hierophant used to be known as the Pope card, so this just reinforces that. So lets say the card here is saying that the person feels that the choice they have to make is a moral one, that they feel morally obligated to make the 'right' choice, even if their heart may be leaning toward something less socially or morally acceptable.

2: One side of this choice is represented by the 2 of Cups, which is about reflection - and this card's definition of reflection I have always understood to be the reflection of introspection, of looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing yourself truly, honestly, and objectively. It is a Cups card, so also is about passion and love, and carnality - carnality being about the physical needs and wants of the body, the passion of the physical relationship. Perhaps this card is represents choosing something that has to do with physical attraction, being attracted to something or someone who induces the carnal desires - but not without love as well. Or maybe its the love of the lust here that is the choice the querent is faced with possibly making.

3: The possible outcome from choosing the carnality is pleasure and liberality - the freedom to be physical and lustful. This card has the appearance of being a positive outcome, but without the context of what situation and environment the querent is in while making this choice, we can't say for sure.

4: The other side of the choice is the Lovers in reverse; repulsion. Where the upright meaning of this card is about attraction and being in a 'perfect' relationship, the reverse is the opposite. It is about pushing someone away. So now with both sides of the choice unveiled, it looks like the querent needs to choose between accepting the carnal desires and passion and love from another, or pushing them away.

5: The possible outcome from pushing away is the 8 of Swords, reversed. This card speaks about trivial  freedom, relaxation, but not without censure. Seems like if the choice is made to push this away, then the querent still may end up walking on eggshells .

Next blog: The See It All Spread

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