Monday, March 13, 2017

Messages From the Cards, or, Why is this card FOLLOWING me?

The more readings you do, the more you will start to notice that certain cards seem to be following you. For instance, every reading I have done for myself in the last week or so has had the 6 of Wands in it in one way or another, but mostly reversed.

So what does this mean? Is it just a coincidence? Am I really bad at shuffling my cards? Or is it a message from the beyond?

Well, by now you guys know that I'm not one for all the hoopajoop, but if the same message keeps coming at me over and over, I think I should probably pay attention it.

So the card that is stalking me at the moment is the 10 of Wands, Reversed. It keeps coming up! Now, my trusty Mage: The Ascension deck says that it indicates duplicity, separation, and loss, but I think that maybe I need more information. So let's troll the interwebs for more data! says:
"When the 10 of Wands reversed appears, it's important that you are completely honest with yourself and everyone around you now. No one is served by being deceptive. If you feel that someone who is important to you is being dishonest, you may well be correct. However, be certain before confronting anyone; and sometimes a confrontation is not necessary at all. Take it slow. You may be "stressed out." "

Biddy Tarot says:
"Upright, the Ten of Wands reflects that you have taken on a heavy burden. Reversed, the Ten of Wands indicates that you are unnecessarily holding on to this burden when you do not need to."
"If you are going through a challenging time, then the Ten of Wands reversed indicates that this time will soon pass and you will feel less of a burden weighing on your shoulders.
You may be actively identifying those activities that do not bring you any value in your life and you are starting to release yourself from these unnecessary responsibilities. You may even be going through a purging process, clearing out old clothes and selling old furniture, in order to de-clutter and simplify your life. You will benefit from better organization and prioritization at this time.
Sometimes, the reversed Ten of Wands indicates that you are avoiding responsibility and making it even more difficult for others who must take on your share. Thus, the saying, “You have made your bed, now lie in it,” is very appropriate for this card." says:
"Take a look at your original goal and see if you are still on course. When you fulfill personal obligations and agreements, you develop the maturity essential to all social relationships. You develop faith in yourself and your ability to accomplish your goals.
Your burdens have increased in weight and number to the point where you may collapse from them - physically and emotionally. You are holding yourself back, limiting your vision by giving your power to others. It is vitally important that you release yourself - stop restricting your activities and remove yourself from the oppressive situations in your life where you feel you are holding yourself back and unable to fully express all of who you are. Throw down the burdens, attempt a new direction and use your energy for a better, more constructive purpose. Continue to grow - don't give up willing to take the risk and reach for your goals.
There may be an overly long pause at this level, a hesitation to go on with the next task. Spiritual egotism. Presumption of a high order. Spiritual abuse, negligence. Spiritual vertigo. The symbol of Fascist Italy was a bundle of rods tightly tied together, suggesting that the Italian State had combined and coordinated the force of all its elements. Here is power without the commensurate level of responsibility." says:
"When you have received the Ten of Wands in the reversed position, this means that you are ending a phase in which you were overburdened, thankfully and are finding your way out. You learning what freedom is and you are beginning to delve into a life of self reflection and joy. The card is still showing up in your reading, because there are still elements from this phase that you are purging. This card is telling you to check in with yourself to make sure that goals you have set for yourself are being accomplished. If so, great, if not, fine-tune the process so that you do not add more then you can handle and will get in the way."

Now, I have a wider perspective on the meaning of the card. But let us not forget that each card's meaning depends entirely upon the context we encounter it in: what is the meaning of the position it is in? What cards came up in relation to it? Each of those questions alter the meaning of the card in one way or the other.

Next Blog: The Psychic Reader, The Intuitive Reader, and The By-The-Book Readers and Readings

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