Sunday, July 29, 2018

Tarot Of The Day July 28, 2018 - Day 35: The Raven’s Prophecy Deck - Practicum 5: ‘I am The Storm’ Spread

Tarot Of The Day July 28, 2018 - Day 35: The Raven’s Prophecy Deck - Practicum 5: ‘I am The Storm’ Spread

I am posting a daily tarot course in a group I am a member of on Facebook ('A Kaleidoscope of Magical Perceptions' is the name of the group, please feel free to request membership - it is full of fun people and really great posts about all manner of topics) and I thought I would cross post the information here to this blog as well. Once the initial sessions of the course have passed, it will start over using a different tarot deck. The text of the thirty-fifth session follows.

It rained a bit today where I live, and I went for a drive and it REALLY rained on me! I could hardly see through my windscreen for a while, but then I drove out from underneath the storm, and entered a fresh, green, and clean area. It was nice. Sometimes, we see storms as forces of nature and destruction, and yes, they are that - but they are also cleansing and full of power. Use this layout to set your course through the storms of life.

Here are the cards that I drew for this spread:

1. Page of Wands - Brilliance, learning, courage, beauty, self-liberation, release of fear, spontaneous expression, freedom, new directions, adventure, spring, nothing to fear.
2. Queen of Coins - Creativity, talent, fertility, health, nurturing, stability, fulfillment.
3. 9 of Swords - Despair, misery, desolation, disaster, self-criticism, mental cruelty.
4. Queen of Swords, Reversed - Narrow-mindedness, intolerance, bigotry, artifice, prudery.
5. Ace of Cups - Breakthrough, life-force, open heart, trusting heart, spiritual heart, expression.

So, according to the cards I drew, my storm, the energy waiting within me to be released, has a lot to do with self-confidence and the ability to express myself fully without fear of criticism or judgement. This will recharge me with the lightning of creativity - as an artist, so far this reading really connects with me! The energy of the rain will nourish my spirit by ...this card, the 9 of Swords, I call the ‘Night Terrors’ card. It is full of mental anguish and pain, and at first glance, getting this card here seems off, because how could mental anguish nourish my spirit?  But let’s look at this from another angle. Sometimes, when a card appears that seems incongruous to the rest of the cards in the story, we need to try looking at it differently to get the message being sent. Here, perhaps it means that the energy of the rain will cleanse and heal my spirit of the mental anguish I suffer ( I do deal with anxiety and depression, among other things.) I will keep these energies from overshadowing things with ...narrow mindedness? Again, an odd card means we need to look at either the position of the card differently , or the meaning of the card itself differently. This card is all about being closed to things - which makes sense when we see that the card position is about HOW to protect my other energies from the energy of this storm. So I need to be closed to the energy of the storm, which was the newfound self confidence - perhaps this is a warning me to not take that energy too far, which would go from confidence to arrogance and being cocky. Finally, after the storm passes me by, how will I have grown? The final card is a return to the first - meaning I will grow from this breakthrough storm in to a more open and trusting in myself person.

Tomorrow - 8 of Cups

***TOTD will cover the entire 78 card Raven’s Prophecy Deck alongside the Rider-Waite deck for comparison. In order to not completely burn out,  on Saturday I will break the lessons up by doing a practicum lesson. Practicum lessons will take the form of a layout or spread that I will walk you through the steps of interpretation for. After the first round of sessions ends, we will start over with a short break for a poll to be done to see what deck everyone wants to see next round. ***

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