Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tarot Of The Day July 10, 2018 - Day 22: The Raven’s Prophecy Deck - The Moon

Tarot Of The Day July 10, 2018 - Day 22: The Raven’s Prophecy Deck - The Moon

I have begun the creation of an 89 day tarot course in a group I am a member of on Facebook ('A Kaleidoscope of Magical Perceptions' is the name of the group, please feel free to request membership - it is full of fun people and really great posts about all manner of topics) and I thought I would cross post the information here to this blog as well. Once the initial 89 days of the course have passed, it will start over using a different tarot deck. The text of the twenty-second session follows.

The Rider-Waite deck’s Moon card shows the moon, shining as brightly as the sun, looking down upon the earth below it. One either side of the Moon are the two towers we have sen several times both literally and symbolically throughout the deck - they are two pillars of the Sephiroth. In the foreground, a lobster is sen emerging from a pool of water, and on the shore, one on each side of a well-worn path that stretched far in to the mountains on the distant horizon, are two animals - a dog on the left and a wolf or coyote on the right. Both are agitated and howling.
The eighteenth card of the Major Arcana, the Moon is about those things that go bump in the night. The dark things, hidden secrets, and a bit about the crazy - just like the crazy that happens on a full moon.

The Rider -Waite booklet offers these keywords for The Moon: hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, error (upright, ) instability, inconstancy, silence, and lesser degrees of deception and error (reversed.)

Maggie Stiefvater chose to show the moon in her Raven’s prophecy deck as a raven, its head thrown back and its beak wide open as if to swallow the moon right out of the sky - or at least to puck it from the sky and take it away to be hidden in its hoard of shiny bits of trash, lost singleton earrings, loose change, gum wrappers, soda can pop tabs, other bird’s feathers and pretty rocks in the crook of a tree somewhere. She writes: “Imagine you’re walking in a landscape lit only by moonlight. Dark shapes surround you, and without any light, you can't be sure if that object closest to you is a boulder or a bear. You’re pretty sure, though, that it’s a bear. You hurry down the path - is there a path? There’s not enough illumination for you to be certain that there’s even a  path. So you’re just hurrying. Oon your way. Whichever way that might be. You’re not sure if you’re headed toward peril or comfort, or even if you’re only going around in circles. The only comfort you have, really, is that the night can only go on so long, and eventually day will arrive with the sun and the clarity it brings. Until then, you’ll have to make do with the moonlight and and the unfeeling stars. This - all of this - is the Moon card.”

Maggie’s keywords for The Moon are fear, dreaming, and illusion.

Tomorrow - The Sun

***TOTD will cover the entire 78 card Raven’s Prophecy Deck alongside the Rider-Waite deck for comparison. In order to not completely burn out, this course of lessons will be 89 (give or take) days long, so that every Saturday I can break the lessons up by doing a practicum lesson. Practicum lessons will take the form of a layout or spread that I will walk you through the steps of interpretation for. After the first 89 day session ends, we will start over with a short break for a poll to be done to see what deck everyone wants to see next round. ***

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