Tuesday, October 23, 2018

'Tis the Season...

...and after all, all the other tarot readers I see on Instagram and Facebook and elsewhere are doing it - so let's pull out the Halloween and horror themed decks and do a couple pulls! I have three decks that could be considered Halloween or horror, so I'll do a three card draw from each.

The Halloween Tarot

I drew the 8 of Imps (Wands), The King of Pumpkins (Pentacles), and the 10 of Bats (Swords). This deck does not offer reversals, so although my photo shows the 10 of Bats in reverse, I am reading it as upright. I just shuffled this deck out of habit, so they have a bunch wrong-side-up.

The 8 of Imps (Wands) is about  (using the LWB for this deck) great haste and over-eagerness that thwart advancement. Sudden action or progress. Messages or letters of love, cupid-style.

The King of Pumpkins (Pentacles) speaks to an experienced and successful leader. Reliable, steadfast, resourceful. Giving up what is not appropriate for what is.

The 10 of Bats (Swords) describes mental agony, despair. Ruin. Escape from pain, and emotional detachment.

The story here seems to be a story of a mistake made, a lesson learned but perhaps an overreaction to that lesson, with a result of despair.

The Zombie Tarot

I drew the Magician, The Knight of Wands, and the Empress.

The Magician (per the LWB for this deck) is about deception, an opportunist, the puppet master. 

The Knight of Wands is described as the bold, impetuous, adventurer.

The Empress is all about fertility, maternality, and success.

I'm not sure about this reading. It is like a portrait rather than a story, describing the players involved. I'd want to more context from my client here.

The Baphomet Tarot of the Underworld by Akron/H.R. Giger

I drew The Empress, The Death, and The Star. Note that all the cards are major arcana because this deck is a 23 card major arcana deck.

The Empress in this deck is about motherhood.

The Death card is about death and becoming.

The Star card is about illumination and imagination.

This reading seems to be telling a story about conception, creation, and incubation, followed by and ending of some kind, a change - but as always with Death, a new beginning, and closing with illumination and imagination - hope for the new beginning. it seems quite dark but it is, I feel, quite optimistic.

Finally, I realized that although it is quite normal and everyday to ME, my favorite deck is also quite dark and appropriate, so one more draw:

The Mage: The Ascension Deck

I drew the 10 of Dynamism, (Swords) the Lovers in reverse, and the 9 of Pattern (Pentacles).

The 10 of Swords is a very notorious card, indicating ruin, fear of ruin, pain, mental despair, and paradox. The paradox? "The end of one reality betokens the beginning of another." So like the Death card, the 10 of Swords may be the end of a chapter - yes, filled with pain and a collapse of what you know (also like the Tower in that regard) - but it is an end that allows for something new to begin.

The Lovers represent attraction. More often than not, it's assumed that the attraction must be romantic, but it also can mean attracting things or people to you that you need for your life or path. It also symbolizes harmony, duality, and sincerity. This card following the 10 of Swords is something like a light at the end of a tunnel - sort of a confirmation of the new beginning that the 10 may be alluding to after a fall.

Finally, the 9 of Pattern (Pentacles/Coins) represents loss, roguery, incompletion. It suggests that the story does not end well here, that despite things appearing to improve, with the Lovers following  after the 10 of Swords, there are still obstacles to overcome.

NOTE: Rereading this, I see that I have misread the cards here. The Lovers card was reversed, and I read it as upright! SO - when in reverse, the Lovers card is all about repulsion, rejection, the pushing away of others, both in romance and in other ways. So wit that meaning in mind, this reading is far more negative than I first interpreted it to be.  Ruin, catastrophic change, the loss of many people from your life, and then further loss in other aspects of life as well, most likely financially, since the Coins are more often than not about the material world.

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