Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Daily Draws - take 2

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I drew the 5 of Questing (Wands), The 4 of Pattern (Coins), in reverse,  and Luna (The Moon), in reverse.

The 5 of Wands is about strife, competition, obstacles, anxiety, frustration, frenetecism, and hyperactivity. The image shows five guys searching for something, and their body language says that they are getting frustrated. Each of them wants to find the thing they seek before the other, and though they are meant to be working together, they clearly are not, too busy arguing to see that one of them may have found a clue, if not the thing they are looking for.

The 4 of Coins in reverse is all about setback, loss, poverty, and legacy. The suit of Coins is typically assumed to be describing the financial situation or goals of the querant, but keep in mind that it also is about the harvest, not just the figurative harvest of money  we get from doing our jobs, but also the harvest of stability, knowledge , and strength we can receive from our hard work. Earthly progress is not just about financial gain, but personal progress and emotional growth as well. This particular card, in reverse, speaks to taking steps backwards in that progress. It could certainly be about finances, but I just want to point out that a Coins card doesn't ALWAYS point to money.

The Moon in reverse is all about deception, peril, madness, and illusion. Things are not always what they seem, this card says. I like to see it as a warning to take a second, more analytical look at the people, environment, or situation that the reading may be referring to, because the client may be missing something, or have someone doing something in the background that they are unaware is affecting them.

If I had a client in front of me and I drew these cards for them, I might tell them that there is something - a current obsession, perhaps - that is taking up to much of their time and attention, and it it is causing them to slip backwards into old bad habits, possibly causing some financial loss, if money is related, and that they need to take a good step away from things and have a good look at what they are doing, or at the object of their desire, because they may be fooling themselves (or be being fooled by it/them.) Whatever they are chasing down is not as good for them as they may think!


The deck I am using here is my go-to deck, the Mage: The Ascension Deck by White Wolf. The deck is no longer in print, and the one I am using is a first edition from the 1990's. I have a later edition  in my collection that I keep as a backup and that my fiance occasionally uses when we do our rare tandem tarot sessions, where we both use the same deck at the same time to do readings for people. It is not only my favorite deck, but the most matter-of-fact and honest deck I have ever come across. It really 'tells it like it is' and doesn't sugarcoat things like so many other decks I have used over the years. (And I have used SO MANY!) My copy of the deck has been my personal deck for about 21 years now, and has been chewed on by my now 19 year old daughter, has water stains, and nearly every card is creased form all of the shuffling. It is well loved.

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