Friday, September 21, 2018

Hiatus...or something.

So if it isn't quite obvious, I've been on a bit of a hiatus lately. The curse of depression and being overwhelmed is that there is always something that falls by the wayside when you are in a depressive trench, and it turns out this blog was the victim this time around. I hope to be back up and running very soon, and I apologize for the long gap in lessons. We will resume where we left off as soon as I get a few lessons written and scheduled to post so that I'm not scrambling to write EVERY day.

In the meanwhile, I will be attending some events here in Oklahoma soon, one as a vendor and one as a tarot reader AND vendor, so if you'd like an in person reading form me there is an opportunity to do just that.

First, on October 6th, Tulsa's Pagan Pride Day Festival will see me vending my jewelry and other goodies. Here's some examples of what I'll be bringing:

Then, on October 20th, The first Annual Oklahoma Witch's Ball will see me vending my jewelry and performing tarot readings at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Convention Center in Norman, Oklahoma. So I'll have what i have left of the above, plus my cards laid out for reading for folks. It's gonna be a fun month!

I have also been working on helping a performer gear up for Wasteland Weekend 2018 and have been having a blast using bullet casings, bottle caps, and other recycled materials to make accessories she can wear to not only enhance her performances but also to help her character look  as if she is meant to be there. Here's some pics of what I've been working on:

So, needless to say, I have been very busy. I am doing my best to get this blog back on track to get back to the lessons. I'm also taking on some other educational threads on the group I cross post this blog to, so yo umay start seeing some posts on Runes in the coming weeks as well. 

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