Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tarot Of The Day July 18, 2018 - Day 25: The Raven’s Prophecy Deck - The World

Tarot Of The Day July 18, 2018 - Day 25: The Raven’s Prophecy Deck - The World

I have begun the creation of a tarot course in a group I am a member of on Facebook ('A Kaleidoscope of Magical Perceptions' is the name of the group, please feel free to request membership - it is full of fun people and really great posts about all manner of topics) and I thought I would cross post the information here to this blog as well. Once the initial round of the course has passed, it will start over using a different tarot deck. The text of the twenty-fifth session follows.

And now we have reached the final card of the Major Arcana, The World.  In the Rider-Waite deck, The World is shown as the feminine Earth, a female figure, with a wand in each hand, surrounded by a laurel wreath. In the four corners of the card, Lion, Bull, Cherub and Eagle stand in  for Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio, the fixed signs of the Zodiac (also sometimes found on The Wheel of Fortune card). These are symbolic of the four elements (four suits of the tarot), four compass points, four seasons, and the four corners of the universe. In the story of the Fool, the World is the end destination. He has reached enlightenment and the conclusion of his physical journey. 

The booklet for Rider-Waite deck gives the following keywords for The World: assured success, route, voyage, emigration, flight, change of place (upright,) inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence (reversed.)

Maggie Stiefvater depicts the World as a paved highway-type road, intersected in the distance by a dirt or gravel road, both winding past the edges of the card. She writes: “The World is the last card in the major arcana and represents the logical conclusion of a life productively lived. You’re fulfilled on  all the ways you could hope for: spiritually, romantically, creatively, materially. Life is good. There are bumps, of course - there are always bumps - but you’ve seen enough rough water to  know how to sail through it without capsizing your boat. You feel connected to your family and friends, and you feel like you’re doing the job you were meant to do, and you’re good at it.  ...The World is yours, and when this card appears, it tells you that now is a time to enjoy everything you’ve achieved. This is a wonderful, productive time in your life, and you should feel it on every level. Mind, soul, heart.”

Tomorrow - Intro to the Cups

***TOTD will cover the entire 78 card Raven’s Prophecy Deck alongside the Rider-Waite deck for comparison. In order to not completely burn out, this course of lessons will be 89 days long, so that every Saturday I can break the lessons up by doing a practicum lesson. Practicum lessons will take the form of a layout or spread that I will walk you through the steps of interpretation for. After the first 89 day session ends, we will start over with a one day break for a poll to be done to see what deck everyone wants to see next round. ***

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