Tuesday, May 23, 2017


On March 28th, I posted that I had lost my older brother and that I would be taking some time to grieve. you can read that post here, if you like.

It been nearly two months, and I haven't posted since.

Yesterday was my brother's birthday. It hit me hard - really hard. I spent the day crying and cleaning, and to be honest, worrying my two youngest children, who responded by making me some lovely cards in an attempt to cheer me up. They have yet to experience loss and grief yet - they hadn't seen their uncle, my brother since they were very, very small, and don't remember him. I wish they had known him better. He was a wonderful person.

At any rate, I intend to resume posting here shortly. I don't know that I will resume daily posts, but certainly will attempt some sort of regularity.

I am still in pain, still very sad, but I think his birthday passing has marked a grief milestone for me.
I don't know how much more I will talk about it, but I will at least do the reading I mentioned in my last post, to start off the new round of posts.

Not tonight, because it's nearly 2AM. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm back.

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